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Stress Management: Feeding the Brain
Our society is overburdened with stressors of all kinds: tension in the workplace and long commutes; family and relationship difficulties;...
Posted Sep 19, 2018|Health
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Stress and Digestion: What is the Connection?
What is Stress?  Stress is a threat to the internal balance (homeostasis) of the body. Stress related conditions including anxiety,...
Posted Nov 8, 2018|Health
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Green Tea and L-Theanine—Effects on Cognition and Attention During Stress
Green tea is made from the leaves of the plant Camellia sinensis, and has been used as a medicinal herb for over 4000 years. [1] Many health...
Posted Feb 8, 2018|Naturopathic Currents
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Lavender for Back-to-School Stress
We have barely begun to enjoy a well-deserved summer rest, when we’re already bombarded with insidious reminders from the media and store...
Posted Sep 14, 2018|Lifestyle & Wellness
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Stress, Simplified
There’s no shortage of tips, lists, and suggestions available from trusted friends, family members, spiritual leaders, television...
Posted Jan 5, 2018|Health
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Manage Stress Naturally with Rhodiola
Rhodiola rosea extract is among the recent additions to the New Roots Herbal product line. Despite its being “new,” we’ve...
Posted Dec 1, 2016|Health
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Stress and Kids - Developing Healthy Coping Mechanisms
It is clear that everyday stress in the 21st-century Western world is high. As adults, we often think of “stress” as a reaction to a...
Posted Sep 15, 2016|Naturopathic Currents
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Anxiety and Insomnia—Breaking the Sleep/Anxiety Cycle
Anxiety is extremely common; in fact, the Centre for Disease Control and Prevention reports that anxiety disorders are the most common class of...
Posted Oct 4, 2018|Naturopathic Currents
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Destressing with the Senses: Naturopathic Approaches
“Stress is a killer.” At some point, we have all heard this very common phrase. It is well-known that stressful things drain vitality...
Posted Jun 21, 2019|Naturopathic Currents
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Emotional Stress and the Brain: Naturopathic Perspectives
Introduction We’ve heard it all before: Stress is a normal part of life. Some stress is good for us because it helps us get motivated, be...
Posted Oct 16, 2019|Naturopathic Currents
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Student Stress, Anxiety, and Depression 101: Sadly, Attendance Is Growing…
College: It’s sometimes called “the best time in your life.” You have new people, new situations, a huge variety of...
Posted Apr 1, 2020|Naturopathic Currents
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Tips for Less Stress This Spring Considering Our Current Climate
Now more than ever, it’s important to be active, preferably outdoors. Remember social distancing is a dance; it’s okay to take the...
Posted May 8, 2020|Lifestyle & Wellness
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Tips for Less Stress This Summer
Never have we heard so many references to “getting back to normal.” Many of us find ourselves longing for the simple activities that we...
Posted Jun 30, 2020|Lifestyle & Wellness
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The Power of Planning to Reduce Stress
We are living through an ever-changing time frame. Who knows what the situation will be as you read this article? The stress surrounding COVID-19...
Posted Jul 28, 2020|Lifestyle & Wellness
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“Hands-On” Approach for Adolescent Stress Management
Stressed-Out Youth Over the past several years, I am seeing an ever-increasing number of children and adolescents with symptoms of stress and...
Posted Aug 9, 2021|Lifestyle & Wellness
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Facing Stress as a Family
Within the last two unprecedented years, parents everywhere have been experiencing novel situations of stress.[1] Stress can be good for the body,...
Posted Oct 6, 2021|Naturopathic Currents
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Conceiving a Conception Stress–Management Plan
Congratulations on taking the next step in your life—making the big decision to grow your family! While most people have a general idea on...
Posted Aug 11, 2022|Lifestyle & Wellness
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